Invest in Italy: where innovating is tradition
Event detail
A Foreign Direct Investment Conference on the occasion of the Amerigo Vespucci World Tour.
Held in English.
5:00 PM | Opening Remarks:
– Valentino Valentini, Deputy Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy
– Alvin Tan, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Singapore
5:15 PM | Panel 1: The Business Case of Investing in Italy: Industry, Private Equity, and Investment Climate
Moderator: Catherine Lim, Bloomberg
– Alberto Castronovo, Head of International Unit, Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy
– Byung Joon Han, CEO of Silicon Box
– Fabrizio Armone, Head of Co-Investor Relations & Fundraising, CDP
5:55 PM | Panel 2: Building Bridges: Opportunities in Italy’s Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Hospitality
Moderator: Catherine Lim, Bloomberg
– Vincent Ng, Regional CEO for EuroMed and MESA, PSA International
– Giovanni Donato, Diplomatic Counsellor of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Italy
– Jagdish Parmanand, Executive Director, Symphony Capital Partners Ltd.
6:35 PM | Q&A Session
6:45 PM | Networking Session
A unique event exploring synergies between Italian innovation and tradition, focusing on direct investment opportunities and expanding relations between Italy and Singapore.
Reservation Procedure
1. Choose the day and time to visit the Ship
2. Enter your personal details
and add up to a maximum of 3 people
At the end, you will receive an email with a unique QR Code, valid for all the people included in the booking, which you will need to board.
At the entrance, you must show the identity document entered during registration.
• Access is allowed from 15 minutes before until 15 minutes after the selected time.
• We recommend wearing comfortable shoes.
• Open-toed shoes or heels are not allowed. Strollers, prams and animals are not permitted.
• In case of bad weather, please check for event cancellations on the website, which will be announced starting 2 hours before the event begins.
day and time
Available places: